Monday, August 24, 2009

Chapter 3 Section Review!!!

1. Place value notation

2. Hammurabis code of LAW

3. Hittites

4. The assyrian empire

5. Ashurbanipal; Ninevah

6. Naboplossar and Nebuchadnezzar 586 B.C.

7. Cyrus The Great

8. Darius & Xerxes I & Darius Est. the first postal service

9. Xerxes I.

10. Artaxerxes I.

11. They had a much higher regard fir the santity.

Identify: Babylon- The first empire to rule after Sumer
Hammurabi- King of Babylon
Enuma Elish- Babylonian Genesis
Justice- The use of authority and power to uphold what is right, just or lawful
Tiglathpilesser I. - Seized Babylonian Est. the Assyrian Empire
Chaldeans- Semitic people from Arabia
Hanging Gardens Of Babylon- Terraced Ruth Gardens
Daniel-One of the Jews taken captive by Babylonians
Zoroastrianism- False pagan religon


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