Tuesday, September 29, 2009

chapter 7 section review 1

1. black sea and asian sea, west- ionian sea, gulf of corinth

2. minoans, myceaneans, trojans 2000-1100 bc

3.minoans, king minos at knossos

4. dorians

5. dorians

6. homer

7. greek gods, zeus, apollo, aries, posieden. they were a product of poetic genius

8. apollis is a city-state

9. sparta, athens, ertertia

10. 490-479 bc

11. battle thermopolay. greeks were deafeated by persians because of a trader, battle of salamis, the greeks defeated the persians and it was the first naval battle

12. it placed an absolute limit on westward epansion in the persian empire


1. hellenes- greeks of classic times that made contributions to westward civilization

2. attica-prominant regio of greece

3.peloponnesus- prominant region of greece

4.trojan war- 1200 bc myvenaeans destroyed the city of troy on caost of asia minor

5. odysseus- brave greek warrior

6.mt. olympius- where the greek gods lived

7.heroes- played important role in homers poems

8.achilles-invincable greek warrior

9.barbarian-those who didnt speak greek

10.olympic games- held every4 yrs in honor of xeus

11.olumpiad-the period between olympics

12.darius 1- new persian king

13.xerxes 1- darius son

14.leonidas-spartan lesder

15.themistocles- tricked xerxes

16.Plataea-where the persian army remained in greece until defeated.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ancient Athens Game!!!


Jordan: 5/8

Chapter 6 Study Guide

What kind of progress was made while Africa was ruled by Europeans?
- government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.

What are Africians most pressing needs today?
-the gospel, foods and shelter, and education.

African Landscape

deserts-2/5 of Africa
Sahara-north Africa
kalahari-south Africa
Savanna-vast tracks of and characterized by wet&dry seasons.covered by grass and shrubs.
Mountains-atlas mt. range & Mt.Kilimanjaro
Atlas Mountain Range-Africas longest mountain range
Mt.Kilimanjaro-tallest mountain in Africa
Nile River-longest river in africa
Lake Victoria-Africas largest lake
Great rift valley-largest rift in earths surface

African History

Began shortly after the...Flood
Ebed Melech-helped prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah.
Unnamed Ethiopian-most famous Cushite in world history,treasurer for Queen Candace of Cush,Philip lead this treasurer to Christ
Eunuch-casturated man who protected the queen.
Edesius and Frumentius-around 300 a.d. these 2 were ship wrecked and taken to Ethiopia as slaves. Preached the gospel there. credited with bringing Christianity to Africa.

Early Christianity in Africa
Alexandria,EGYPT-home to clement of alexandria.(150-215)
Cyrene,LIBYA-simmon was from here and he carried the cross for jesus
Carthage,TUNISIA-city of early church fathers tertullin(160-230) and cyprain(200-248)
Simon of Cyrene-caried the cross for Jesus
Clement of Alexandria-was from alexandria,egypt is the oldest surviving christian hymn.
African Trade
Sea trade-early as 1500 b.c.,africans were trading w/ asians . Africa gave iron,ivory,gold.Asia gave porcelain,precious stones,silk.
Inland trade-b/t 300 and 1200 a.d.,ghana was trading w/ middle east arabs. Ghana gave gold,ivory and slaves. Middle east gave salt, copper, dried fruits.
Mali Empire-lasted from 1200-1500 a.d.,modern day gambia,guinea,mali and seegal.
Timbuktu-important trading center for mahli empire,famous center for learning and culture.
Songhai Empire-dominated west asia in 1500s/monopolized trade across the sahara.

Exploration and Missions
"The White Mans Grave"-name for africa in the 19th centruy(1800s)/explorers in africa faced many obsticales:intense heat,malaria,sleeping sickness,&yellow fever.
Mungo Park-Explored africa from 1768-1773/explored the nile river.
Hugh Clapperton-explored africa from 1822-1824/1st european to to cross the sahara.
Alexander Laing-explored africa from 1825-1826/first european to reach timbuktu.
Robert Moffatt-explored africa from 1795-1883/one of the 1st missionaries to africa/he said,"I can see the smoke of a thousand villages where the name of Chirst has never been heard."
David Livingstone-went to africa in response to moffatts call for more missionaries'1st european to see Victoria falls(largest waterfall)/worked in africa many years, then went missing/american newspaper sent a reporter,Henry Stanley, to find him.

Africa in Modern Times
European Rule-by WWI, only 2 african staes were independent....Ethiopia & Liberia
Progress-what kind?-government, established schools , and built roads/railroads , new cities and hospitals.
1950s and 1960s-a move toward independence from European rule. began with Ghana in 1957.
General Idi Amin-seized power in Uganda/ruled until 1979/devout muslim...killed and tortured as many as 300,000 people)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

facts and photos 2....

1. Group looking at fossils

2. African American girls wearing a very LARGE necklace...

3. The animal looks like its about to eat the tourists.

4. The city. THE LARGE city!!

5. A Beautiful LARGE ocean.. wow..

6. Some.. type of symbol. not sure its.. blueish greenish.. white... orangish redish... black.

REAL captions:

1.Examine fossils in Kenya

2. Masai reveal personal information with their jewelry

3. A tourist in Kenya watch two lions

4.Nairobi one of Africa's largest cities

5. Kenya's Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake

6.Kenyan Flag!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Facts and photos!

a. Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape.-high terrains, by the Indian ocean and mt.

b. Where is Kenya? What's the capital?-East Africa,Nairobi

c. What lies WEST of Nairobi?-Great Rift Valley

d. Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them?-Elephants,lions,cheetahs
etc. more than 50 reserves and parks

e. What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture there?-Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria, created diverse cultures and many lang.

f. Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania?- may have been org. birthplace of humans

g. Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s.-kidnapped by Arabs, Europeans, and Americans

h. How many languages/ethnic groups are there?-60 lang. && 40 ethnic groups.

i. Tell me about the kids & school.-School is free and many children are toobusy to go to school.

j. What are some important parts of Kenyan culture?-music and storytelling

k. What's the current government of Kenya like?-Republic with a president and national assembly

l. Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages?-Republic of Kenya. -Republic. -33,830,000 -Swahili and English

Madagascar Games

Mini-Game Demo: Camille.. this game was SMOKING fun i looved it! i scored a 5/5,10/10 & i think an 8/10 the last time i played. we shoud DEF. have more games like that as i blog assignment.. umm idk what else to type so im just typing so it can look LONG. haha ok bye:)

Glue Mobile Demo- it was funn ! id deff play it again ! umm i won, of course. anyway, we should have more like thiss!

iknow that game- was very hard! we didnt know anything , at all ! we guesed on all of it and doesnt want a game like that again ! love you :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Africa Map Match Game

Camille: 174 Seconds

Jordan: 160 Seconds

Monday, September 21, 2009

Game scores...

Jordan : - 40
Camille: -30

Chapter 6 section review.

1. 2/5, Sahara(largest), Kalahari
2. Atlas Mt. Range, Mt Kilimanjaro
3. Lake Victoria, Nile river
4. Great Rift Valley

1. Dark Continent- africa
2. Savanna- land with wet and dry seasons
3. lake tanjanyika- worlds longest and 2nd deepest lake

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Factzzz n potozzz

a. Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River.-in a yr.,w/out Nile Egypt will be desertb.

Egypt is divided into what 2 sections?-Upper and Lower Egyptc.

Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt.-Southern contains low mt. & Upper contains valleysd. Egypt is home to which animals? Which plants?-animals:cheetahs, hyenans, crocodiles, cobras. &&oases, deserts, mountains, wetlands, river islands,and coastal island.e.

What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of?-large animalsf. Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there?-3000bc. est.8000 yrs. agog. when did Lower & Upper Egypt unite?-3100BCh.

When did Egypt fall under Roman control?
When did Muslims take over Egypt?31BC&AD640i. Who invaded Egypt in 1882? What did they want? When did Egypt declare independence?-British, Suez Canal,1952j. 90 percent of Egyptians are what religion?-Muslimsk. Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today?-puts a strain in Egypt's resourcesl. Why are children highly valued in their culture?- To help on the farms and take care of their parents in old agem. What type of gov't is Egypt today?-democratic republicn. What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is?-tourism && ppl like to see the Great Pyramids and Sphinxo. What is the official name of Egypt?-Arab Republic of Egyptp. What is the capital of Egypt?-Cairoq. What is the population/official language of Egypt?-78,887,007Arabicr. What's the currency in Egypt? (Money)-Egyptian pound

Mummy Questions and parapgraph

A. "INTRODUCTION" Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries?-30 CENT.What did the people believe Pharaoh was?-LIVING godHow did they "achieve immortality"?by mummification

B. "DEAD" What was embalming?- Your dead body is collected and cleaned.Who did the embalming?-embalmersWhat role did linen, your body,the priest, natron salt, canopic jars,tools, and oils play in theembalming process?-linen:wrapped your body-your body:being preserved-the priest:makes the long cutalong the left side of yourstomach.-natron salt:used to preserve the body.-canopic jars:the organs were stored-tools:used to remove the organs-oils: used to preserve.

C. "Organs Removed"Which organs were removed?-liver, lungs, stomach and intestinesWhat did they do with them?- canopic jars

D. "Get Stuffed"What does "Get Stuffed" refer to?-after the natron salt dries out yourskin they stuff the empty spaces whereyour organs used to beWhat did they stuff you with?-filled with sawdust, rags and chaff.Tomb Bound-What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb?- wraped you in 20 layers of linen bandagesWhat was involved in bandaging the body?- Resin is used to glue the bandages together. Once completely wrapped in bandages, you are wrapped in two special large shrouds secured with linen strips.What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich?-all your treasure and gold

F. "Coffins Etc"Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins.-they were usually wooden coffins.What went in the coffins with the body?- Make sure that they have pictures of thegods and the correct spells painted on themto protect you. Of course, they should alsohave plenty of hieroglyphs singing yourpraises written on them.What went in the tomb with the coffin?-the tools they mummified you with.

G."Your Funeral"What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like?-You will be buried on the western side of the river,where the sun sets.Tell me about the procession.-Your coffin is taken there by boat and is then placedon a sledge and pulled to your tomb. A priest leads a processionof mourners, followed by bearers carrying food offerings and allthe objects you will need in the afterlife.

G. "Eternal Rest"- Tell me about tomb raiders.- raided tombs and if caught torturedWhat do they do and what do they want?broke in to steal the treasures.

Study Guide

Sahara- largest desert in the world.; in Africa

Nile-worlds largest river, in Africa.

Egypt-Northest corner od Africa, "The seedbed of african culture"

Mizraim-most ancient name of Egypt,one of Ham's sons,

Land of Ham- what Mizaim calls Egypt.

Nomes-number of small states.

Pharaohs-strong rulers, divided nomes into upper and lower Egypt

Menes- 1st pharaoh of Egypt, united upper and lower egypt.

The gift of the nile- what herodutus called egypt

Hieroglyphics- writing system, over 700 chara.

Book of the dead- most imp. Egyptian work, contains: prayers, hyms, spells, and other info to guide souls throughout after life.

Memphis- imp. egyptian city, 12 miles south of cairo

Thebes- nothing remains except vast nacropolis,

Necropolis- "city of the dead" (big cemetary)

Pyramid- best symbolizes egyptian gov.

Monarchy- one ruler

Theocracy-god king pharaoh

Humanism- worship of man

Naturalism -worshiped forces of nature

polytheism- believed in 1000's of gods

Egyptian tombs- spent as much time preparing his tomb for afterlife as he did on the affairs if his life., house of eternity for mortal remains

Great Pyramid of Cheops- wonders of the world, 100,000 workers nearly 20 yrs.

king tut - teen pharaoh, died at 18

Mummification- preservation of bodies of the dead, tombs and pyramids were used as caskets

30 dynasties- ancient egyptain history is divided into 30 dyna.

Old Kingdom-1.Cheops, Khafre, Menkaure... built large pyramids @ Giza

Pyramids at Giza-1.Cheopds,Khafre, Menakure

Great Sphinx-Head of a man, body if a lion & Bears likeness of Khafre

Middle Kingdom-11th Dynastsy

King Menuhotep I.- Established capital at Thebes

Hyksos- Asiatic warriors, Conquered the middle kingdom

Ahmose I.- Drove the hyksos out of Egypt

New Kingdom-18th-20th dynasty

Hatshepshut-the only female pharoah

Amenhotep II. - Tut's Son .. may have been Pharoah during the EXODUS!!

Later New Kingdom- Ramese II. most outstanding Egyptian monarch

Ramses II.-The most outstanding monarch

Alexander the Great-Egypt became the most important empire.. famous for its great library, which held collection of over 700,000 ancient scrolls and the lighthouse

Alexandria-became most important city in Alexander's Empire

Lighthouse of Alexandria- one of the wonders of the ancient world 440-foot high marble tower with a fire burning pitch and a giant refelctive mirror, the lighthouse could cast its light 35 miles across the sea

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog assignmend # 22

a. Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River. 2.5 cm of rain each year
b. Egypt is divided into what 2 sections?upper egypt in the south and lower in the north. c
c. Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt.contains low mountains and deserts, wide valleys near the nile, and desert to east and west.
d. Egypt is home to which animals? Which plans?cheetahs, hyenas, crocs.,and cobras; oasis, mountains, deserts and wetlands.
e. What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of?large animals
f. Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there?3000 bc, 800 yrs ago
g. When did Lower & Upper Egypt unite? 3100 bc
h. When did Egypt fall under Roman control? 31 bcWhen did Muslims take over Egypt?640 ad
i. Who invaded Egypt in 1882? british. What did they want? control Suez cannal. When did Egypt declare independence?1952.
j. 90 percent of Egyptians are what religion?muslimh
k. Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today?having so many people in such a small state
l. Why are children highly valued in their culture?they helped familys on farms.
m. What type of gov't is Egypt today?
n. What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is?
o. What is the official name of Egypt?
p. What is the capital of Egypt?
q. What is the population/official language of Egypt?
r. What's the currency in Egypt? (Money)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review : 1-3

Section Review 1 and 2

1. Africa, Sahara and the Nile River

2. Bounded by the Mediterranean sea to the north , the Sahara west, and the Red Sea to the east.

3.Mizraim or the Land of Ham

4.Because of Cultural diffusion

5. Memphis- 12 miles south of modern Cario and Thebes- 450 miles north of Cario
Menes united these states.

6. The Nile River

7. ??? i can't find that one!

8. It is the longest river in the world and is one of the few that flow from south to north.

9.Like Sumerian cunieform , written Egyptian developed from picture writing into highly elaborate system of some 700 characters

10. Memphis & Thebes

11. The pyramid, a the top was the pharaoh himself, an incarnate god.

12. The Egyptains were humanistic, naturalistic , and polytheistic in their religous faith. Humanistic- meaning they worshipped humans.. Naturalistic- maning that they worshiped forces of nature AND Polytheistic- meaning they worshiped many gods and godesses.

Isthumus of Suez -makes it possible for ships to pass between Medterranean Sea and teh the Indian Ocean without having to go around Africa.

Copts- Hamitic people who blended with Semitic and Japhetic peoples of Mediterranean world.

Nomes- Small States

Herdotus- The greek father of history

Nile Delta- Rick alluvial plain of fertile soil

Hieroglyphics- writing into a highly elaborate system of some 700 characters

Book of the Dead- a book of prayers and incantations which was placed in tombs to protect the spirits of the dead.

Necripolis- City of the dead

Great Pryamid of Cheops- also called Khufu at Gizsa, remains one of the wonders of the world.

Tutankhamen- a teenage pharoah who died at the age of 18

Mummification- the persevation of dead bodies

Section review part 3


Monday, September 14, 2009

Game score

Camille- nmghrfhrhtytWalk the plank: 50

Friday, September 11, 2009

Game scores!

Egyptian store :
Jordan:22 points
Camille:26 points

Home & school

His was built from river mud, but most were made from bricks. No houses were left from his time because the mud doesn't last long. The windows were holes in the wall, not glass. Mostly drank beer and ate bread. Temples and palaces ran and taught their own classes. Punishes for not doing their lessons and rich children started when they were between 5 and 10.

Quiz scoress:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Egyptian Adventure...

a. What is a "stela"?a stone that tells you what sort of person is buried in here.

b. What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use? hieroglyphics

c. Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell? priest

d. Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find? a tomb, a stone, jars

e. What do the statues represent? Anubis, the god of cemetary

f. Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians. they were burried with their jewels and belongings and sometimes with their assistant

g. What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them? they are jars that hold the insides of pharaoshs

h. What is the coffin made of?wood, copper, metals

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

From 3.1-

What was the first empire to rule after Sumer?

Who was Hammurabi?
King of Babylon

What is the Babylonian Genesis/Enuma Elish?

Who were the Hittites? Why are they important?
European people from asia minor; first people to use iron

From 4.1 -

What is the highest place in Asia? Lowest?
Mount Everst, dead sea

Name the 3 main rivers in Asia.
Tigris Euphrates, Indus, hwang ho

Why is India called a “subcontinent”?
because its so scattered

Name the 3 major land regions in India.
Himalayan mts, Northen plains, deccan plateaus

From 4.5 -

What are the names of the 4 islands that make up the nation of Japan?
Hokkaiso, Honshu,Kyushu,Shikoku

What’s Japan’s famous mountain called?
Mount fugi

Who were the earliest inhabitants of Japan?

What is Shinto?
oldest religon

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


What's in the photo:

Jordan- 4/10


Summary- The game is called " What's in the photo" , i actually enjoyed this game out of all of them. You had to actually wait on the picture to clear, so you can decipher what the object is. I scored a 5/10!! it was pretty cool, unlike the other difficult LONG DRAWN out games... lol!!!!!

Gesture Game:




Hiragana Picture Matching Game-


