Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review : 1-3

Section Review 1 and 2

1. Africa, Sahara and the Nile River

2. Bounded by the Mediterranean sea to the north , the Sahara west, and the Red Sea to the east.

3.Mizraim or the Land of Ham

4.Because of Cultural diffusion

5. Memphis- 12 miles south of modern Cario and Thebes- 450 miles north of Cario
Menes united these states.

6. The Nile River

7. ??? i can't find that one!

8. It is the longest river in the world and is one of the few that flow from south to north.

9.Like Sumerian cunieform , written Egyptian developed from picture writing into highly elaborate system of some 700 characters

10. Memphis & Thebes

11. The pyramid, a the top was the pharaoh himself, an incarnate god.

12. The Egyptains were humanistic, naturalistic , and polytheistic in their religous faith. Humanistic- meaning they worshipped humans.. Naturalistic- maning that they worshiped forces of nature AND Polytheistic- meaning they worshiped many gods and godesses.

Isthumus of Suez -makes it possible for ships to pass between Medterranean Sea and teh the Indian Ocean without having to go around Africa.

Copts- Hamitic people who blended with Semitic and Japhetic peoples of Mediterranean world.

Nomes- Small States

Herdotus- The greek father of history

Nile Delta- Rick alluvial plain of fertile soil

Hieroglyphics- writing into a highly elaborate system of some 700 characters

Book of the Dead- a book of prayers and incantations which was placed in tombs to protect the spirits of the dead.

Necripolis- City of the dead

Great Pryamid of Cheops- also called Khufu at Gizsa, remains one of the wonders of the world.

Tutankhamen- a teenage pharoah who died at the age of 18

Mummification- the persevation of dead bodies

Section review part 3


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