Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter 13 quizzz!

1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 19, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 39, 42

1. celts-earliest inhabitants of british isles
2.jutes, angles, saxons- conquered celts around 5th century
5. Alfred the Great- 1st great king of england he saved his kingdom from the vikings
8.Harold Godwin-he died in the battle of hastings, king...
9. William the Conqueror-won battle of hastings
19. Joan of Arc- died for her church , and what she believed in!!
25.Hugh Capet-crowned king of france
26.Louis IV.-Capetian king ruled 1105-1137..... crowned in 1108 AD
28.Louis IX.-Crowned in 1226 AD.. Philips grandson....very popular pious king.. improved french laws...
30.Boniface VII.-Quarreled with phillipIV.... the king had him arrested and had him beat up.. and died from his wombs
33.Ferdinand and Isabella-10 years later they became King & Queen of Spain
39.Marco Polo-Accompanied Uncle and fatheron a trip
42.Christopther Columbus- sailed the ocean blue in 1492

1. Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles?

2. What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War?

3. Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century?
Angles, asxons and Jutes

4.Which name did the Romans give to Spain?

5.These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain:

6. What does “reconquista” mean?
waged a crusade to take spain back from moors

7.Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages.
England,France,Spain & Portugal

8.What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site? Stone henge

9.Which Germanic tribe named England?

10.Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Beowulf

11.Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD?
Hugh Capet

12.Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after?

13.What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out)
Clergy, nobles & commoners

14.Which peninsula is Spain located on?

15. Name 3 Germanic tribes.

Visigoths,moors & Alcazars

16.Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?
france and england and england won

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

chapter 13 section review 1.

1. england, france, spain, portugal
2.celts, druids
3.angles, saxon, jutes
4.augustine 664
5. they had parts of the bible in there own lang.
6. alfred code of law
7. william the conquerer 1066
8. he icreased his power
9. the lang. bcame french, political portions of pwer
10 henry 1, charter of liberty, exchequer

1. england- 1 of the 4 colonies durin the middle ages
2.scops- chanted war poems and stories
3. beowulf- the greatsest saxon poem
4. archbishop of canterbury- st. augustine
5. danes- vikings
6. dane law- danes to the nprthest area of englanmd
7. london- imp. town
8. canute the dane- kind og england
9. harold- powerful king of england
10. norman conquest- normans conquewred enlgand
11. census- count of ppl and property
12. doomsday book- day of judgement

Monday, November 9, 2009

Study guide:

1.feudalism : vway of life based on ownership and use of land

2.fief: land

3.lord :owners of land

4.vassal : has to be in lords army to use land

5.knight : heavily armed warrior

6.chivalry code of conduct

7.heraldry :colorful and unique emblems

8.castle : fortified dwellings

9.joust :2 knights fought to knock each other off horses

10.tournament: fought a mock battle

11.manor :estates that belonged to nobles

12.serf :farmers that worked on manors.

13.Truce of God :forbade fighting from friday thru sunday

14.Peace of God : priest denied sacriments to persons who robbed churches took a surfs property or killed a non combant during battle

15.burg : community of traveling merchants

16.middle class : burgners fair : merchants from all over

18.guild : developed during time death :bubonic plague

20.Chaucer : wrote canterbury tales

21.trivium:gammer, rhetoric, logic

22.quadrivium : math, music, geometry, and astronomy

23.scholasticism : roman catholic + greek= scholasticism

24.Brethren of the Common Life : christian group founded by gerhard groote

25.humanism : intense interest in the subject of humanity

26.patron :ppl who use who use their own $$$ to support the arts

27.Sistine Chapel :Michealangleo painted it

28.Medicis :supported michealangelo

29.Thomas Aquinas : spoke slowly, called dumb ox, brilliant mind

30.William of Ockham: educated @ oxford

31.John Wycliffe : mornig star of the reformation, thought pope was wrong

32.John Huss : follower of wycliffe, bruned at stake

33.Gerhard Groote : wanted to put buble into action

34.Dante :wrote divine comedy

35.Petrarch: father of humanism

36.Bocaccio :wrote decameron

37.Michelangelo: greatsest artis of renaissance

38.Flanders : primary trade of wool

39.Machiavelli: wrote the prince

40.Giotto : famous artist

41.DaVinci: renaissance man

42.Prague:famous artist

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 12 review

1.) based upon the ownership and use of land

2.) A lord - a person who permitted another man A vessel - a man who used it in return for certain promised services

3.) A castle was difficult to attack. Devices had to be used that could hurl stones and arrows and other projectiles over the high wall

4.) Jousts, Tournaments, Falconry, Minstrels

5.) The farmers of the manors, the nobles were richer than that of the peasants

6.) Truce of God , and Peace of God


Feudalism - The new system of government arose in Medieval Europe

King - at the top of feudal system in each Western European kingdom
crown land - parts of the land

Knight - those nobles promised to provide the king a specific number

Chivalry-the code of conduct for the conduct of nobility and the knights

Heraldry=certain colorful and unique symbos...etc

Manor-estates that belonged to the nobles..

Demense-the serfs had to work two to three days each week in the lord's field

10 pics of Middle Ages!!