Monday, November 9, 2009

Study guide:

1.feudalism : vway of life based on ownership and use of land

2.fief: land

3.lord :owners of land

4.vassal : has to be in lords army to use land

5.knight : heavily armed warrior

6.chivalry code of conduct

7.heraldry :colorful and unique emblems

8.castle : fortified dwellings

9.joust :2 knights fought to knock each other off horses

10.tournament: fought a mock battle

11.manor :estates that belonged to nobles

12.serf :farmers that worked on manors.

13.Truce of God :forbade fighting from friday thru sunday

14.Peace of God : priest denied sacriments to persons who robbed churches took a surfs property or killed a non combant during battle

15.burg : community of traveling merchants

16.middle class : burgners fair : merchants from all over

18.guild : developed during time death :bubonic plague

20.Chaucer : wrote canterbury tales

21.trivium:gammer, rhetoric, logic

22.quadrivium : math, music, geometry, and astronomy

23.scholasticism : roman catholic + greek= scholasticism

24.Brethren of the Common Life : christian group founded by gerhard groote

25.humanism : intense interest in the subject of humanity

26.patron :ppl who use who use their own $$$ to support the arts

27.Sistine Chapel :Michealangleo painted it

28.Medicis :supported michealangelo

29.Thomas Aquinas : spoke slowly, called dumb ox, brilliant mind

30.William of Ockham: educated @ oxford

31.John Wycliffe : mornig star of the reformation, thought pope was wrong

32.John Huss : follower of wycliffe, bruned at stake

33.Gerhard Groote : wanted to put buble into action

34.Dante :wrote divine comedy

35.Petrarch: father of humanism

36.Bocaccio :wrote decameron

37.Michelangelo: greatsest artis of renaissance

38.Flanders : primary trade of wool

39.Machiavelli: wrote the prince

40.Giotto : famous artist

41.DaVinci: renaissance man

42.Prague:famous artist

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