Friday, October 30, 2009


chapter 9
1.Messiah-anointed one of G0d
Domitian-roman emperor, demanded to be worshiped
Marcus Aurelius-4 th great persecution, hated christians
Irenaeus-pupil of polycarp, martyred during his time
Origen-perhaps the most learned man in the early church
Diocletian-10th greatest persecution came under the reforming emperor....Maximian- diocletians co-emperor, proclaimed themselves offivailly dominus Noster
Aristides- was an apologists, along with Justin Martyr
Athenasius- argued for the true diety of Christ at the Council of Nicaea
Theodosius1-bacame the only legal faith, the state religion of the roman empire

1. synagogues-place of worship for Jews
2.Gentiles- non jew....proselytes-converts
3.martyr- witness
4. Book of Revalation- where John recieved and recorded the prophetic visions
5.Catacombs- where christians secretly worshiped
6.Edict of Milan- exteded legal protection and recognition to christians
7. church fathers- preachers and teachers
8.apologists- people who defended christians and there pagan beliefs
9.Monarchianism- denied the doctrine of the trinity
10.Latin Vulgate- common, vernacular
11.creeds- "i believee"
12.Apostles Creed- earliest creed...Nicene Creed-adpted by the Council of Nicaea...Athanasian Creed-named for him and took its place beside the apostles' and Nicene creeds
13.Council of Nicaea-rejecting the teacheing of Arianism...Arianism-false doctrine ehich denied the diety of christ

1. It was under great stress and most people inly wated to follow the emperor. but some people who were different followed Christ. They wrer very set on there ways they had been living.

1. Justinian1: 1st great leader of the Byzantine empire
3.theodora-justinian wife
5.Leo3- during second siege beame emperor
10.zurks- new invader

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

chapter 9 section2 & chapter 9 section 3 = chaseandcamille4evvvaandEVER!

1. Tertullian

2.Paul- beheaded and peter-crucified upside down

3.Domitian;they refused;John

4.subterranean galleries beneath the city of rome;were christians would worship

5.Trajan; polycarp

6.justin martyr,blandina

7.septimius severus; irenaeus, perpetua, felicitas

8.maximinus thrax and decius; origen

9. persecution of christains , the christain church triumphed through it all.

10. The edicts of milans , 313

identify: Martyr- the face of torture and death
Book of the revelation- prophetic visions
Polycarp- an aged bishop of smyrna
Maximinus thrax- emperor that started th e6th persecution
Decius- 7th persecution
Orgin- a christain philopsher and theologian
Maximian- proclaimed himsef off. our lord
Galerius- emperor who proclaimed toleration 4 the christains of the east
Constantine I.- extended legal protection and recgonition to christains

Section 3:

1. Clement of Rome, polycrap,Ignitausnat,Papias
2.Aristides- Justin Martyr
3.Ireaeus; aganist all hereesy's
4. Tertulliam
6.Translated scriptures out of hebrew and greek and into the common languauge.
7.Amborse, Jonh Chrysotom
8.Augustine;confessions; city of God
9. Apostles creed, Nicene creed
10. AD 325, Esphesus, constantinople , Cphalecedon
11. Theodosius I, Made false converts to christainity

Identify: Church fathers- preachers and teachers of the early church
Apologists: one whoo defeated faith
Gnostiscm: Greek philosophy mixed with christainty
Monarchianism:denied the doctrine of the trinity
Creeds; a band.
Arianism-a flase doctrine

Monday, October 26, 2009


1. it means that its restricted ti worship God.; middle east;

lybia-bc of muslim dictator ship

egypt-bc of islamic rule

oman-islamic rule

iraq-islamic rule


2.its an organization to help the persecuted church could send $$

4.Richard Wurmbrand, and Sabina Wurmbrand

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

pictures of papyrus fragments

section review1 chapter 9

1. empire spreading from Rome over millions of miles.; the paz ramano
2.Herod the great
4.100 ad
5. persecuted and still fallowed him

synagogues- temples
gebtiles- non jews
proselytes- coverted gentiles
messiah-jewish name for christ
church- body of christ

Friday, October 16, 2009

section review 1, chapter 8.

1. latins
2.etruscans, greeks, carthaginians, amd gauls.;greeks
3.Paterfamilias,piety, gravity, and dignity.
4.they worshipped the same gods, peathon
5.509 bc;
6.council ans dictator;
7. The Tribune
8. 12 tables

Identify: Rome-Ruler of the Mediterranean basian in ancient times
Forum- common market
Patricians- upperclass
Plebians- lower class
Centuries- military units of 100 men
Republic- rep. form of civil gov.
Electorate- all citizens allowed to vote
Veto- " i forbid"
Concilium Plebish- new poltical office
12 tables- pre. unwritten laws

Monday, October 5, 2009

chapter 7 sct. review 2; and review 3

Review 2:

1. Monarchy; Council of the Elders and Assembly

2.ruled by the best and oligarchy is ruled by the few; democracy, oligarchy, tyranny

3. ruled by the many or common people

4. consisted of three classes : ruling class, the middle class, and the slaves(helots) started at 7 and were made to steal food to eat and uf they got caught they would be punished for getting caught

5. Solon revealed the harsh edicats of Draco, Solon was better, it was merciful

6. Pericles , domiated Athens 461 and 429 B.C. golden age of Greece

7. Because they expected more trouble.

8. Greece was split into to 2, Spartans supremect was short livd Thebes delivered the defeat to Spartans......

Identity: Helots - slaves
Peloponnesian League-alliance with Corinth Megara, and other cities in Pheloponnesus.
Court of Areopagus-it met on the hill known by that name.
Peisistratus-A nobelman aspiring to office
Cleisthenes- Emerged as the new champion of the common ppl.
Ostracism-Quorum of citizens could vote to banish of ten years of any person believed to be dangeruous to the satte.
Representative Democracy-The citizens elect who rep. them in the gov.
Direct democracy- the citizens made big decisions of gov. directly themselves not indirectly through rep's.

Macedonia:northern fringes of Ancient Greece

Demothenes: he urged his fellow Greeks to go against

Alexander the Great: assumed the Macedonian throne

Alexandria: western delta of Egypt.

Ipsus:the empire was divided among four generals, who declared
themselves kings.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

web surfing!

Ancient Greece:
a. Family Life-MEN: if they weren't training, they were in politics. WOMEN:doing domestic work, spinning, weaving and other domestic duties.

b. Clothing-there were 2 main peices of clothing, it was a tunic and cloak. Some was made out of haevy wool or light material.

c. Food-ate bread (barley or wheat) and porridge, accompanied with food such as cheese, vegetables, fish, eggs and fruit.

d. Entertainment-went to the amphitheatre, told storys and listened to fables

e. Military-all men trained to be in the army, unless they wanted to be in politics. they would start at the age of 7

f. Government-

800 BC -The majority of Greek states were governed by groups of rich landowners, called aristocrats; this word is derived from 'aristoi', meaning best people. This was a system known as 'oligarchy' the rule by the few.

c.750 BC -Athenian power in the Archaic Period was controlled by Aeropagus, or council. Their policies were delivered through three magistrates called Archons.

c.500 BC- Democracy was introduced by an aristocrat, Cleisthenes. Who was from family of the Alcmaeonids in 508 BC, after 2 years of civil war, they used the help of Spartans to secure power.
g. Social Life-sme as entertainment and family life !
h. Education -girls didnt go to school and boys trained for the army.