Friday, October 16, 2009

section review 1, chapter 8.

1. latins
2.etruscans, greeks, carthaginians, amd gauls.;greeks
3.Paterfamilias,piety, gravity, and dignity.
4.they worshipped the same gods, peathon
5.509 bc;
6.council ans dictator;
7. The Tribune
8. 12 tables

Identify: Rome-Ruler of the Mediterranean basian in ancient times
Forum- common market
Patricians- upperclass
Plebians- lower class
Centuries- military units of 100 men
Republic- rep. form of civil gov.
Electorate- all citizens allowed to vote
Veto- " i forbid"
Concilium Plebish- new poltical office
12 tables- pre. unwritten laws

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