Friday, October 30, 2009


chapter 9
1.Messiah-anointed one of G0d
Domitian-roman emperor, demanded to be worshiped
Marcus Aurelius-4 th great persecution, hated christians
Irenaeus-pupil of polycarp, martyred during his time
Origen-perhaps the most learned man in the early church
Diocletian-10th greatest persecution came under the reforming emperor....Maximian- diocletians co-emperor, proclaimed themselves offivailly dominus Noster
Aristides- was an apologists, along with Justin Martyr
Athenasius- argued for the true diety of Christ at the Council of Nicaea
Theodosius1-bacame the only legal faith, the state religion of the roman empire

1. synagogues-place of worship for Jews
2.Gentiles- non jew....proselytes-converts
3.martyr- witness
4. Book of Revalation- where John recieved and recorded the prophetic visions
5.Catacombs- where christians secretly worshiped
6.Edict of Milan- exteded legal protection and recognition to christians
7. church fathers- preachers and teachers
8.apologists- people who defended christians and there pagan beliefs
9.Monarchianism- denied the doctrine of the trinity
10.Latin Vulgate- common, vernacular
11.creeds- "i believee"
12.Apostles Creed- earliest creed...Nicene Creed-adpted by the Council of Nicaea...Athanasian Creed-named for him and took its place beside the apostles' and Nicene creeds
13.Council of Nicaea-rejecting the teacheing of Arianism...Arianism-false doctrine ehich denied the diety of christ

1. It was under great stress and most people inly wated to follow the emperor. but some people who were different followed Christ. They wrer very set on there ways they had been living.

1. Justinian1: 1st great leader of the Byzantine empire
3.theodora-justinian wife
5.Leo3- during second siege beame emperor
10.zurks- new invader

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